
So I Wrote a Play about Depression

                                                                                Kanaan Hesseling     … And you might be wondering if I have it. Well, the answer is “Yes.” I have chronic depression, paired with a hefty dose of constant anxiety, a sprinkle of PTSD, and a slew of other mental illnesses. I have had these for most of my life, and some of them I could have had my whole life. I’ve always been a little anxious, nervous, and easily spooked. My mom always told me that as a toddler I’d hide behind her, pulling her long skirts around me to avoid new people. I have lived in the knowledge that I had these nervous disorders for the last 12 years or so, after going to a therapist in my sophomore year of high school. He helped me to understand the why and what of these things. The therapy helped me break through my arrested development, that held me emotionally from the age of around 6. Every day I wake up and have these issues. For me, Depression comes and goes like an oce

Depression and Suicide

                                                 By: Pastor Don Dennison   Let me begin this blog with a couple of stories from my life. I grew up, living part of my childhood, under a bridge in the ghetto. I really had little to no support in my family unit. My “family” became a gang called the Blue Jackets, when I was about 9 years old. When I was 11 or 12 years old, I was already done with life, so one day I got on top of a ledge on a freeway bridge, getting ready to jump onto the freeway! I was so depressed , that I thought suicide was the only way out. I stood on the ledge of the bridge for a few minutes, trying to build up the nerve to jump. All of a sudden, a car drove by and I heard some guy yell out, “JUMP!” That shocked me into getting down from the ledge. At that same moment, an inner voice told me NOT to jump. You must realize that in those days of 1958-59, there were no mental health resources (that I knew of) for poor welfare kids, like me. I was so young, that I

Shadow of the Mind Proshot Trailer

  Shadows of the Mind   is an original play by Kanaan Hesseling that explores the physical manifestation of the inner thoughts of a depressed, anxiety-ridden teenager named Charlie.  As Charlie strives to keep her head above water, she hides the depths of her struggle in dealing with her friend, Kevin’s suicide.   Her support structure is undeniable, a mother and father who love her but differ on how to help their daughter, a friend who exudes positivity and unconditional love and Kevin’s mother, a comforting partner in the grief process.  But as the shadows in her mind intensify, Charlie comes to a crossroad.  Will the outside influences in her life prevail or will the shadows win?    Go to website to watch all the video: Last Performance | Hidden Treasure Productions
                                                                 11/30/20 Blog of Shadows of the Mind Performances by Kitty Inouye Our play, Shadows of the Mind, was most unusual. It was written long before Covid-19 hit, yet it was extremely relevant for the time. Some people were affected by the content, that they wanted other people to come watch it, as well. Being relevant to our current pandemic environment was incredibly important. For me, being one of the actors was both an honor and a privilege. Although it was challenging to convey the emotions of a grieving mother, it was not foreign to me. I appreciated the direction of Valerie Herrera who encouraged those raw feelings to emerge. Here are some different perspectives as well. From one of our actors and board members, Beverly Dennison; My experience as an actor playing a Shadow was stretching for me, as I have never played an evil entity before! It really put me in touch with the dark and manipulative side of those voices

Why is Theatre Important Now? Blog # 22

                                                               These are crazy times! Agreed? Every time you turn around, there is a new precedent for this or for that! People are confused, depressed, lonely, stressed-out, financially-strapped, fearful, anxious, and even suicidal!  We are all dealing with more stress in these uncertain times than we have had in our entire lifetimes! We are looking for relief and an escape...and there is none! Movie theatres have just now begun opening, with limited seating. Live Theatre is even more sorely needed than watching a movie, which is a one-sided stress reliever. With Live Theatre, both the performers and the audience interact with one another to bring about laughter, sadness, epiphanies, and yes, even catharsis! It is an interactive, cooperative, and reciprocal type of entertainment that we have all missed during these past several months of Covid Quarantine and isolation! It is time to get together again in a live theatre setting! The

Blog # 12- Hidden Treasure Productions and Covid-19

    Hidden Treasure Productions began in January of this year with the same high hopes that many other endeavors had. Don’t get me wrong! We still have high hopes and are going forward with the great desire to be successful! However, the onset of Coronavirus has caused us to be creative. Fortunate for us, our company is made up of “creative types!”   Early on, the decision was made to hold all auditions and rehearsals online through Zoom Technology. That has worked out surprisingly well. We had also planned to start meeting as a live cast in early August. The Jury is still out on that one, but we are hopeful that we will soon be able to rehearse outside in someone’s back yard in groups of less than 10. Living in a nice climate allows us to do that, even in the autumn months.    We currently have a perfect venue booked for October 9-11, 2020. However, if we must change the dates to early November, due to CDC gatherings restrictions, then that is what we’ll do. We must all be ada

Blog # 11. Looking for a Lawyer and an Accountant By: Don Dennison

As Hidden Treasure Productions (HTP), Our mission is to create quality professional plays, to take into the world. We have nine on the Board of Directors, and we are looking to add two more to the board. Each position requires you to live in the San Diego area. First off, we are looking for a lawyer to sit on the board and advise HTP, but have no other responsibilities to the organization. At this point, it will be a volunteer position, but our goal is to have it be a paid position in the future. The second position we are looking for is a Senior Accountant or Chief Financial Officer, who would assist the President and CEO of Hidden Treasure Productions with all financial statements. This position will also start as a volunteer but will become a paid position.                                                  Our History In October of 2018, we took a drama team to Uzhgorod, Ukraine. We performed a 2-Act professional-quality a play called PRODIGAL by James Shaver, that overw