
Showing posts from August 2, 2020

Blog # 12- Hidden Treasure Productions and Covid-19

    Hidden Treasure Productions began in January of this year with the same high hopes that many other endeavors had. Don’t get me wrong! We still have high hopes and are going forward with the great desire to be successful! However, the onset of Coronavirus has caused us to be creative. Fortunate for us, our company is made up of “creative types!”   Early on, the decision was made to hold all auditions and rehearsals online through Zoom Technology. That has worked out surprisingly well. We had also planned to start meeting as a live cast in early August. The Jury is still out on that one, but we are hopeful that we will soon be able to rehearse outside in someone’s back yard in groups of less than 10. Living in a nice climate allows us to do that, even in the autumn months.    We currently have a perfect venue booked for October 9-11, 2020. However, if we must change the dates to early November, due to CDC gatherings restrictions, then that is what we’ll do. We must all be ada