
Showing posts from May 10, 2020

Blog # 10 Harpenden, Uk Drama Cast and Work Team By Don Dennison

My wife Beverly and I went to “spy out the land” in the London, England area of Harpenden in February of 2020, during the same time that our drama workshops were taking place here at home. We were in Harpenden to plan for our future construction/work team to go there in September 16-28 of this year and for our HTP production to perform there on April 7-21, 2021. Here in Oceanside, Valerie Herrera, our Director of Production, directed the drama workshops for our coming production, Shadows of the Mind.  Here is her Blog about the workshops: On a beautiful February day, we flew out to a very chilly and rainy London, England. It was cold in Harpenden, UK, and it even snowed on one day. I was not prepared well enough for the cold weather, but our host, Susan was able to borrow a warm sweatshirt for me to wear while indoors. Susan Murphy is our good friend and contact, as well as the Site Development

We need 20 wireless mics for our start-up 501(c)(3) theatre company. By Don Dennison

Would you consider supporting Hidden Treasure Productions (HTP)? We are a start-up 501(c)(3) non-profit theatre company, preparing to perform the play  Shadows of the Mind in Oceanside, California in October of this year, before taking it to international countries, including Third World countries in 2021. Our desire is to take live theatre to places in the world where it is not common or readily available.  We are in need of 20 wireless mics for our cast of 20 actors. The cost is about $10,000.00 dollars or about $500.00 for each mic. Please watch the video below for more details.                Donald Dennison 1-760-458-0653 Our Mission Statement is: Our mission is to create quality professional plays, to take into the world.