
Showing posts from April 11, 2021

So I Wrote a Play about Depression

                                                                                Kanaan Hesseling     … And you might be wondering if I have it. Well, the answer is “Yes.” I have chronic depression, paired with a hefty dose of constant anxiety, a sprinkle of PTSD, and a slew of other mental illnesses. I have had these for most of my life, and some of them I could have had my whole life. I’ve always been a little anxious, nervous, and easily spooked. My mom always told me that as a toddler I’d hide behind her, pulling her long skirts around me to avoid new people. I have lived in the knowledge that I had these nervous disorders for the last 12 years or so, after going to a therapist in my sophomore year of high school. He helped me to understand the why and what of these things. The therapy helped me break through my arrested development, that held me emotionally from the age of around 6. Every day I wake up and have these issues. For me, Depression comes and goes like an oce

Depression and Suicide

                                                 By: Pastor Don Dennison   Let me begin this blog with a couple of stories from my life. I grew up, living part of my childhood, under a bridge in the ghetto. I really had little to no support in my family unit. My “family” became a gang called the Blue Jackets, when I was about 9 years old. When I was 11 or 12 years old, I was already done with life, so one day I got on top of a ledge on a freeway bridge, getting ready to jump onto the freeway! I was so depressed , that I thought suicide was the only way out. I stood on the ledge of the bridge for a few minutes, trying to build up the nerve to jump. All of a sudden, a car drove by and I heard some guy yell out, “JUMP!” That shocked me into getting down from the ledge. At that same moment, an inner voice told me NOT to jump. You must realize that in those days of 1958-59, there were no mental health resources (that I knew of) for poor welfare kids, like me. I was so young, that I