
Showing posts from 2021

Fundraising for Hidden Treasure Productions

                                                         Fundraising Blog   We are Hidden Treasure Productions, a theatre company (501 © (3) corporation), based in Oceanside, California. Our mission is to create quality professional plays to take into the world, to places that would not normally have access to live productions. Because of the virus, the years 2020 and 2021 have looked different to many companies, and theatre groups are included in those! For obvious reasons, we’ve had to stay within the United States during this Covid time. There have been many different guidelines by many different nations. For 2022, we have decided to take our play, Shadows of the Mind to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to perform it. It’s a show town with many theatres, so we booked it at the Theatre of the Republic for May 27 th , 28 th , and 29 th , 2022. Also, we are going to perform it at a high school in the Myrtle Beach area. We are talking about 30 people to Myrtle Beach for the product

Come join us in Bali, Indonesia

  This Outreach team will leave on October 5th, and will return home on October 19th, 2022.  We will be participating in outreaches Monday through Friday, with the weekends off. Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Bali is the organization we will be working with in Bali. They operate several ministries that we can participate in, such as Children's Ministry where we can join in with teaching them English and play games with them. We can also visit a few orphanages, prisons, and  do some beach evangelism At the base, we will also help with KP duties in the kitchen for our meals. The base  also has a huge soccer and surfing ministry that you are welcome to participate in. This trip will be challenging yet life-changing , and you will come away blessed and renewed! You can go to the website at: Outreaches (

Looking for Playwright for a Musical

We are Hidden Treasure Productions (HTP), a theatre company in Oceanside, California. We became a new non-profit in January of 2020. We prepared the play, Shadows of the Mind and mounted it on November 12-13, 2020, only to be closed down by the State of California after only 2 performances, all because of Covid restrictions. However, we are not finished yet! We are gearing up again to perform SOTM in April of 2022 in Oceanside, CA, then we are taking it on the road to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in late April or early May of 2022. The final performances of SOTM will be in September or October of 2022 in Oceanside or Vista, CA. The reason for this blog is to seek out playwrights who have a musical script that they would like to submit to our company. We are looking for a script that we could use in 2023. We plan to take it internationally! We have a   playwright on the Board of Directors, but we are always looking for new plays and scripts. If you have a musical to submit, please

Low-Cost Outreach to the Fiji Island

  People like to vacation today more than ever, but have you thought about vacationing with a purpose? That is: To take a trip with a purpose for more than just pleasure or education!   International travel can be costly these days. However, Hidden Treasure Productions (HTP) gets the very best value for our outreach teams, and keeps the cost of trips low. HTP takes teams of about 20 people to give them the cultural and spiritual experience s that make travel so worthwhile and rewarding. Let me give you an example; Our next team will be a medical/dental outreach to a village in Fiji, with doctors, dentists, and support staff. When we first made contact with the village, we met the Chief, who is the first female chief of any village in Fiji! It was awe-inspiring, as we bowed down to her to present her with a gift from America. She was very appreciative and   interested in having us bring the medical team to her village! The dates of the trip are May 18 th to June 1st, 2022.   Come

Auditions and Rehearsals A Step Further

  The last eighteen months have been quite the rollercoaster. In January of 2020, our non-profit theatre company, Hidden Treasure Productions was created.   Our plan was to produce original plays, perform them locally, then  take them abroad.   We were barely on our feet as a company when Covid19 hit.   Even though the future was murky, we decided to take a step into the unknown and see where it led us.   We started with holding auditions and rehearsals entirely on Zoom for Shadows of the Mind , an original play by Kanaan Hesseling.   Then in the fall, as local health restrictions started easing up, we were able to have in-person rehearsals, which led to two local performances before everything shut down again. Fast forward to today.    Our region is opening up again and we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.   As restrictions ease once again, we are becoming more mindful of how important it is to tend to our mental health, in addition to our physical health. T

Play Review of Shadows of the Mind

My first impression as an online viewer, I was struck with the overall professionalism of the production. The character development and the Christian world view was clear. I was aware that the play was a dark subject, but I was not prepared for how it would affect me, in highlighting today’s prevalent mental health issues. The sets were simple, and yet well-appointed. The changing of the different sets and scenes seemed to flow, although the time between scene changes was a bit slow. The lighting was good and cues seemed to be on point. Overall, the sound was good, but there were times when it was hard to hear certain actors. The actors should check their mics before their entrance, as well as be aware of any heavy breathing, or extra sounds that could be picked up, as it can be distracting to the audience. The Characters From the first scene, the actors were believable and well-prepared. I found myself involved in the banter of the real-estate couple and the chit-chat of the

My Journey towards Better Mental Health

  By Valerie Herrera   I was recently privileged to direct an original play called Shadows of the Mind , written by Kanaan Hesseling.   At the time it was written, Covid19 did not exist, which makes the timeliness of what is addressed in this play (depression, anxiety, suicide) so remarkable.   The isolation that we collectively experienced in the past year has taken a toll on everyone. But for those that struggle with mental illness, it was like plugging in an amplifier.   Everything was multiplied times ten. To make matters worse, mental health resources and treatment options became less accessible due to pandemic restrictions and an overburdened health care system. In my lifetime, I have suffered from varying degrees of depression and anxiety.   Many years ago, I found myself at the lowest point in my life, isolated from family and friends and full of self-condemnation.   In a moment of utter hopelessness and despair, I decided that the world was better off without me, and

So I Wrote a Play about Depression

                                                                                Kanaan Hesseling     … And you might be wondering if I have it. Well, the answer is “Yes.” I have chronic depression, paired with a hefty dose of constant anxiety, a sprinkle of PTSD, and a slew of other mental illnesses. I have had these for most of my life, and some of them I could have had my whole life. I’ve always been a little anxious, nervous, and easily spooked. My mom always told me that as a toddler I’d hide behind her, pulling her long skirts around me to avoid new people. I have lived in the knowledge that I had these nervous disorders for the last 12 years or so, after going to a therapist in my sophomore year of high school. He helped me to understand the why and what of these things. The therapy helped me break through my arrested development, that held me emotionally from the age of around 6. Every day I wake up and have these issues. For me, Depression comes and goes like an oce

Depression and Suicide

                                                 By: Pastor Don Dennison   Let me begin this blog with a couple of stories from my life. I grew up, living part of my childhood, under a bridge in the ghetto. I really had little to no support in my family unit. My “family” became a gang called the Blue Jackets, when I was about 9 years old. When I was 11 or 12 years old, I was already done with life, so one day I got on top of a ledge on a freeway bridge, getting ready to jump onto the freeway! I was so depressed , that I thought suicide was the only way out. I stood on the ledge of the bridge for a few minutes, trying to build up the nerve to jump. All of a sudden, a car drove by and I heard some guy yell out, “JUMP!” That shocked me into getting down from the ledge. At that same moment, an inner voice told me NOT to jump. You must realize that in those days of 1958-59, there were no mental health resources (that I knew of) for poor welfare kids, like me. I was so young, that I

Shadow of the Mind Proshot Trailer

  Shadows of the Mind   is an original play by Kanaan Hesseling that explores the physical manifestation of the inner thoughts of a depressed, anxiety-ridden teenager named Charlie.  As Charlie strives to keep her head above water, she hides the depths of her struggle in dealing with her friend, Kevin’s suicide.   Her support structure is undeniable, a mother and father who love her but differ on how to help their daughter, a friend who exudes positivity and unconditional love and Kevin’s mother, a comforting partner in the grief process.  But as the shadows in her mind intensify, Charlie comes to a crossroad.  Will the outside influences in her life prevail or will the shadows win?    Go to website to watch all the video: Last Performance | Hidden Treasure Productions