Blog # 9 By John Andy Herrera; "But I'm not an Actor..."

This is how it all started for me… anyway, kind of. When I was asked to perform in a theatrical play opposite of my wife, who by the way is a brilliant actor, my response was; “but I’m not an actor.” This two-act play would be a comedy in front of an audience of 300 plus for two showings… GULP!!! Having no experience on stage, it went surprisingly well. Actually, it was enjoyable! Little did I know that this one taste of theater would start me on this journey in the theatrical arts.

Fast forward to 2018 and four plays later. I was involved, whether it was on the stage performing or behind the scenes. We decided to take one of these original two-act plays to Ukraine, to do a to three-city tour, with four different venues. This trip would be an adventure that resonates with me and many others, to this day! The challenges of being in a foreign country, the language barrier, customs, the different theaters and just the unknown were the norm. 

This experience has taught me what is possible in a theater: things like becoming a team with various types of people, digging deeper to find better ways to bring across the message of the play, or finding creative solutions on the fly when something goes wrong.   But what I love most is how art is created through theater, from the script and how the actors bring the story to life, to the set pieces and how it is all brought together visually on stage. 

 As we continue to grow HTP, I look forward to our next production, first locally, then to take it internationally, as we continue the creative journey.  My goal as an Artistic Director is to always see the creative big picture and never stop visualizing ways to make it better.

“Without art, the crudeness of reality would be unbearable” George Bernard Shaw

Edited by Beverly Dennison  


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